
Natalie Perry and Keri Mercer (the younger one)

The weather last weekend was amazing here in Atlanta.  Though fall is my official favorite season, Spring is a close second...

And starting off this spring was Natalie Perry's baptism on Sunday.  You may remember this beautiful baby from this post last fall.  These photos were taken from the second row at the Clairmont Presbyterian Church as we were considered "VIPs" for the occasion.  Though we didn't get backstage passes, Natalie was definitely a rock star (if you can say that about someone in church). 



Apparently Natalie loves bath time and was intruigued by the holy water. 







Later in the day Keri and I went to her niece's birthday party.   I think it would be an awesome goal in life to have someone name their baby after me- and my girlfriend already has that.  Keri's niece is Keri ("baby Keri" as she is referred to, though I can't imagine she'll like that nickname in her teenage years).  She turned 6 on Sunday and had a massive cake that looked like it was straight out of Fern Gully:


mmmmm cupcakes....




Sidewalk chalk is always a messy, dirty, pant ruining  fun bday present.



The birthday girl:

